Lindsay Lohan: from party queen to businesswoman

“The people who work for me have to be the best of the best.” That’s how Lindsay Lohan opened the first episode of Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club (MTV) , the reality show with which she wants to change her image of a pretty girl who jumped to the wild side amid alcohol, drugs, controversial romances and arrests, for that of a businesswoman who knows what she wants.

The actress, who had already tried to clean up her image with a reality show in 2015, Lindsay: A New Chance, is at it again but this time showing how she puts together a team of employees for her nightclub on the island of Mikonos (Greece ), dedicated to party-goers who visit the area. The show will premiere its third episode in the US and Latin America next Tuesday, despite the fact that until now it has received all kinds of bad reviews for being too watered down for what is expected of the former party queen, who now shows herself in her role as the builder of a business empire.

While it is true that Lohan is now fully rehabilitated from her former addictions, they still haunt her today, no matter how hard she tries to distance herself from them. In an interview with Variety magazine, the redhead stated actively and passively that she wanted to leave her past behind. “There is a misconception that people still have about me, and I think it is bad. Hopefully, this will change people’s perception once and for all,” she says in reference to the reality show, since everything “was ten years ago” and she does not want to be a “martyr.”

And that past includes all kinds of records, as Lindsay Lohan is currently the star with the most mugshots in Hollywood, with a total of six. The first was in 2007, when the actress was arrested after a car accident that she caused while drunk. That same year she entered rehab three times and spent a total of 165 days in rehab, by court order after being caught with cocaine on her.

And, as in every addiction story, things didn’t end there. After her relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson, in 2009 she failed a drug test imposed by a judge and her conditional release was extended. Added to this, in 2010 Lohan missed another session to monitor her drug abuse and was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehabilitation, of which she only served 14 in prison and the rest she wore an electronic ankle bracelet. Once again, she entered a detoxification centre.

After a brief relationship in 2012 with Charlie Sheen, who later announced that he is HIV positive, a list was published, supposedly written by the actress, in which the names of the 36 celebrities with whom she had had an affair were revealed, including Zac Efron, Adam Levine and Justin Timberlake. But love did not cure her addictions, since in 2013 she spent another 90 days in rehabilitation, after a second accident for which she was sentenced to community service. For this crime her conditional release was extended for the second time until May 2015, when a judge ruled that she had served her sentence and Lohan was free for the first time in eight years.

After months of peace, the New Yorker was back in all the magazines, and not for the better. In 2016, her heart had started beating again alongside her fiancé, businessman Egor Tarabasov, until she reported him for physical abuse, of which a video of a violent episode was published. According to the businesswoman herself, she was “beaten on a beach”, the same one where she now has her club in Mikonos, perhaps as a sign of overcoming her darkest period.

Now, Lindsay Lohan wants to leave her past behind and does not rule out returning to acting. She dreams of working with Scorsese or Spielberg, but the question is whether she will return to Hollywood or continue as a reality star to steal the throne from the Kardashians themselves.

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