Lindsay Lohan Back In New York City To Complete Community Service Sentence

Lohan has 115 more hours of community service to complete while on probation for a reckless driving case.

Judge Mark Young said he was concerned Lohan had managed to work fewer than 10 hours of service she was ordered to complete over three years.

“If not done by May 28, there will be consequences,” Young said.

Lohan, 28, is on probation for reckless driving and lying to police after crashing her Porsche on Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica on her way to a film shoot in 2012.

A judge approved Lohan’s request to help preschoolers at the Duffield Children’s Center in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

As CBS2’s Jill Nicolini reported, if Lohan shows up on Tuesday to start her service, she will have to work the next 17 days straight for a little over 7 hours a day. That includes weekends and the Memorial day holiday.

“Happy to be home in NYC with my family and friends,” Lohan wrote on Instagram. “Missed this place. Ready to help.”

The once-promising star of “Mean Girls,” whose career has sputtered and has been overshadowed by legal troubles, could face up to a year and a half behind bars.

The actress ran into trouble earlier this year when her attorney presented proof she completed 240 hours of community service with a charity in London, where she now lives.

After the prosecutor criticized Lohan for receiving credit for meeting fans of a stage production of “Speed-the-Plow,” which she appeared in, Young rejected 125 hours and ordered her to complete them later this month.

The case is the final criminal matter Lohan faces in Los Angeles, where she was first arrested in a driving under the influence and drug possession case in 2007 and later charged with stealing a necklace from a Venice jewelry store.

She has struggled to comply with terms of her sentences. She has been sentenced to jail five times, ordered to work in the Los Angeles morgue and sent to court-mandated rehab several times.


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